varaible iin python

technical talkiess

 print("In the below example we can learn varaiable")

var = "vishal"
var1 = 23
var2 = 23

print("the varaible in python like in upper code")
print(var1 + var2)

print("Type casting in the python")

var4 = "23"
var5 = "23"

# In the abve example they show only string now you can convert the string in to the integer that's called type casting
# the type functon is show the type of the particular variable

print(int(var4) + int(var5))

# input in the python
print("Enter the value which you want add")
getinputval1 = input()
getinputval2 = input()
print("Your value addition is",int(getinputval1) + int(getinputval2))

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