List and it's function in python

technical talkiess

 print("List and it's function ")

list1 = ['vishal','lakhan','dada','kaka','test','vaishali']

# print(list1)

# if you want to the particular element of the list 

# print(list1[1])

# add some element in the list 

# list1.append("append in the list")

# print(list1)

# remove some elemnet in the list .... remove the last element 

# list1.pop()


# if you want add element particular key then you can simply use 

# list1.insert(2,"Test 1")

# if you want to the particular key value then use the following code 

list1[1] = ""

# print(list1)

# if you can't allow the change the any value in the given .... so you can use the tuple

tuple123 = (1,2,3)

tuple123[1] = "asasd"



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