multiple inheritance in python

technical talkiess

 Multilevel inheritance :- 

class Grandfather:

    farm = "1 acre"

class Son(Grandfather):

    bike = 1

    def bike_splender(self):

        return f"He has own splender bike";

class Grandson(Son):

    iphone = 1


    def bike_splender(self):

        return f"He does not have own splender bike";

mansign = Grandfather()

eknath = Son()

child = Grandson()

# print(child.bike_splender())

class Electric_device:

    no_of_device = "Lots of device avaible"

    def List_of_device(self):

        return f"The Device list is following {['iphone','light','switch','button']}"

class Pocket_gadget(Electric_device):

    Pocket_gadget = "Lots of pocket gadeget avaiavle Here "

    def gadget(self):

        return f"The gadget lis is{['phone','headphone','dummy phone','pocket','chager']}"


class Phone(Pocket_gadget):

    phone = "89 type of phone avaiable "

    def Phoone_list(self):

        return f"The phone list is {['iphone','oppos','nokia','samsung','motorolo']}"


electric = Electric_device()

pocket = Pocket_gadget()

phone = Phone()


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