Book managerment system in python

technical talkiess

 Book management system

class Library:

    # private variable here

    _list_book = {}

    _lend_book = {}

    # ye constructor hai

    def __init__(self,name,lname): = name

        self.lname = lname

        if != '' and self.lname != '':


    def check_whitch_book_add(self):

        print("Do you want to the the existing user as book name \n 1. Yes \n 2. No")

        existing_user = int(input())


        if(existing_user == 1):

            print("Please Enter Your Book name ")

            book_name = input()

            return book_name


            print("Please Enter the Person name here ....")

            name_of_the_person = input()

            print("Please Enter Your Book name ")

            book_name = input()

            return [book_name,name_of_the_person]


    def userInputcall(self):

        print("Please enter the what do you \n 1.Display book \n 2. Add book \n 3.Lend Book \n. 4.Return Lend book")

        user_input = int(input())


        if user_input == 1:


        elif user_input == 2:

            book_name = self.check_whitch_book_add()

            # print(type(book_name) == '')

            if type(book_name) is list:




        elif user_input == 3:


        elif user_input == 4:


    def displayBook(self):

        print(f"This is the book list Here \n {self._list_book}")



    def addBook(self,book_name,person_name,lended=False):

        # print(self._list_book[])

        if person_name == '':



   = person_name

        if in self._list_book:

            self._list_book[]+= [book_name]


            self._list_book[] = [book_name]    

        if lended == False:

            print("Do you want to add another book \n 1.Yes \n 2.NO")

            repeat_add = int(input())


            repeat_add = 0


        if(repeat_add == 1):

            book_name = self.check_whitch_book_add()



            print("Your book is added on our library ....")


    def lend_book(self):

        print("Please Enter Which book do you want to lend")

        lend_book = input()

        for item,book in self._list_book.items():

            if lend_book in book:

                self._lend_book[lend_book] = "The book is lended by the :- "+ +" Author of the Book is "+item

                key =f'{item}'

                items = self._list_book[key]


                print("Entry added by your against your rollnumber")


                for item,book in self._lend_book.items():


                    if lend_book in item:



                        print("Book is not avaiable now")



    def return_lend_book(self):

        print("Please Enter Which book do you want to lend")

        lend_book = input()

        for item,book in self._lend_book.items():

            if lend_book == item:

                bok_details = self._lend_book[f'{item}']

                bok_details = list(bok_details.split(" "))

                author = bok_details[13]

                print("Entry remove by your against your rollnumber")

                del self._lend_book[f'{item}']

                # print(self._lend_book.remove(f'item'))



            # def addBook(self,book_name,person_name):


# pass karna hoga constructor so pass the  name and last name

print("Please enter the Name please")

name = input()

print("Please enter your last name ")

lname = input()

library = Library(name,lname)


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