Comprhension in the python

technical talkiess

 Comprehension in python :- 

# python comprehension

# this is called comprehension ... list comprehension

ls = [i for i in range(100) if i%2==0]

# dictionary com[rehension ]

dict = {i:f"Item {i}" for i in range(5)}

# agar apko isko ulta karna hai to

dict1 = {value:key for key,value in dict.items()}

# agar aap isko set karte ho to wo dublicate value ko remove kar denga

test = {i for i in ['visaha','kaka','vishal','kaka','mama','test']}

# genrators comprehension

gen =(i for i in range(100) if i%2==0)

# print(gen.__next__())

# print(gen.__next__())

# print(gen.__next__())

# print(gen.__next__())


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