math function in javascript

technical talkiess

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        let m = Math;

        // print the all math function in the console side


        // print hte some of the constant value in the math function

        console.log("Printing the pi value" + m.PI)

        // ye us value second parameter ke hisab se multiplee kar seta hai

        console.log("Printing the pow value "+ m.pow(2,2))

        console.log("Printing the pow value "+ m.pow(2,3))

        console.log("Printing the ln2 value "+m.LN2)

        console.log("Printing the ln10 value "+m.LN10)

        console.log("Printing the SQRT1_2 value "+m.SQRT1_2)

        // getting the particular value square root in he javascript

        console.log("Square root of the particular value " + m.sqrt(4))

        console.log("Square root of the particular value " + m.sqrt(36))

        console.log("Square root of the particular value " + m.sqrt(49))

        console.log("Square root of the particular value " + m.sqrt(100))

        // basic math calculation in the javascript

        // floor in given base value .... round is giving .4 is return base value after 5 is return next value

        console.log("Round " + m.round(5.5)) //-- return 6

        console.log("Round " + m.round(5.6)) //-- return 6

        console.log("Round " + m.round(5.4)) //-- return 5

        // Floor is always return base value .... below example always return the 5 value because of the it's base value of the

        console.log("Floor " + m.floor(5.5))

        console.log("Floor " + m.floor(5.6))

        console.log("Floor " + m.floor(5.9))

        console.log("Floor " + m.floor(5.4))

        // print the nearst vaue of the digit

        console.log("Ceil " + m.ceil(5.66))

        // print the base number trunc

        console.log("Trunc " + m.trunc(5,.7))

        //absolute function in the javascript



        console.log("ABS function return the absolute value " + m.abs(5.11))

        console.log("ABS function return the absolute value " + m.abs(-5.99))

        // sin cos tan values using javascript

        console.log("The value of the sin()" + m.sin(m.PI)/2)

        console.log("The value of the cos()" + m.cos(m.PI)/2)

        console.log("The value of the tan()" + m.tan(m.PI)/2)

        // min aur max function in the javascript

        console.log("The minimum value of the list" + m.min(1,5,3,4))

        console.log("The maximum value of the list" + m.max(1,5,3,4))

        // random value in the javscript

        console.log(m.round(m.random() * 100))

        let t = 1;

        let v= 100;

        math_random = v+(t-v)*m.random();


        // math log retun the natural alogotrithum

        console.log("Log int the javasscript " + m.log(20))

        // log2 is give the number of sqrt how many multiply te perspective number then its give the number

        console.log("How many multiply the 2 get 8 + =>" + m.log2(8))

        // log 2 means 2 mltiply to get another value

        // log10 is also same

        // frounk return the 32 bit in the number s

        console.log("Math frounk " + m.fround(2.88))

        // acosh nummber in the javascript

        console.log("accorsh number " + m.acos())

document.write(Math.acos(1)) // return 0


        document.write(Math.acos(0)) // return pi/2 value


        document.write(Math.acos(-1)) //  retrn pi value



        document.write(Math.asin(-1)) //  retrn -pi/2 value


        document.write(Math.asin(0)) //  retrn pi/2 value


        document.write(Math.asin(1)) //  retrn pi/2 value





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